The Music Ministry of St. Bartholomew is responsible for providing music for liturgies and other parish liturgical celebrations. The role of the Music Ministry is to deepen and strengthen the spiritual growth of the parish through music and prayer. According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and a Vatican II document entitled Musicam Sacram (, the Music chosen during the Mass must possess three attributes: Liturgically, it must be holy; Musically, it must be beautiful; Pastorally, it must be universal.
The Traditional Choir sings at the 8:30am Mass on Sunday mornings. The Contemporary Choir and Instrumentalists minister at the 11am Mass on Sundays. Both of these ensembles rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm in the Choir Loft.
The role of the Cantor is to lead the congregation in singing, and to proclaim the Psalm Response and the Gospel Acclamation.
We will be starting a Parish Children’s Choir, open to all parish children in grades 3-8 from both our PSR community and the Academy of St. Bartholomew. Practice Day/Time TBD in the Choir Loft.
The entire Music Ministry comes together for special liturgies throughout the year, such as Holy Week, First Communion and Confirmation.
We will also be introducing more music and prayer opportunities during the year, including Advent Lessons and Carols, Taize prayer services, and Tenebrae.
For more information, contact Director of Music, by calling 440-842-5400 ex. 22.