Sacramental Preparation is for families who have children in our parish, the Academy of St. Bartholomew and those within our PSR program. It allows for both the parents/guardians of our parish children to receive additional formation on the importance of the sacraments in their lives as Catholics.
Baptism is an incredible gift from God. In this Sacrament we receive the grace of the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, and we become the adopted sons and daughters of God and members of his family, the church. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church, and made sharers in her mission. It is required for parents to attend a Baptism Preparation Class. Classes are held here at St. Bartholomew on the 3rd Sunday of each month following the 11:00am Mass in the Faith Formation Office. If you wish to schedule a baptism or an emergency baptism for any un-baptized person, who are critically ill, please call the parish office.
Preparation for First Communion takes place during the 1st and 2nd Grades and is coordinated by our Parish Catechetical Leader. In addition to religious instruction at a Catholic elementary school or during regular PSR sessions, sacramental preparation will take place throughout the year, leading up to First Reconciliation in November and First Holy Communion during the Easter Season.
Confirmation of Teens is offered for those young adults, grades 8 through high school, wishing to complete their Initiation into the Catholic Church. The two-year preparation process usually begins in grade 7 and is completed at the end of the eighth-grade year.
The sacrament is traditionally celebrated during the Easter Season. These parishioners (from the Academy of St. Bartholomew, St. Bartholomew PSR, and other area parochial schools) take part in a 2-year, parish-based preparation process for the reception of this sacrament. Contact the Faith Formation Office and our Parish Catechetical Leader,
Carol Wallington 440-842-5400 ext. 60 or