Welcome to St. Bartholomew Parish School of Religion (P.S.R.) – Every child deserves the best Catholic education possible. For those children who attend public schools, St. Bartholomew Parish offers the Parish School of Religion (PSR) for children in Grades 1-8. We also offer support and guidance for families that choose a homeschool option for their children.
At St. Bartholomew, we view faith formation as a total parish experience involving not just the child, but also parents, families, catechists, and the priest that forms our parish community of faith. We believe that faith formation is getting to know Jesus and learning what is expected of one who chooses to follow him in the Catholic tradition. Our program reflects an integrated learning experience, composed of catechesis, prayer, sacramental preparation, traditional Catholic doctrine, biblical studies, liturgy, community building, and other dimensions of vibrant Church life. Through the light of faith, we hope to develop in those entrusted to our care a deeper relationship with God.
The faith we possess is a gift from God. It is our responsibility as parents, catechists, clergy, and the entire parish community to nurture the faith of our children. If the child does not see religion in action in the home and are not attending the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration, then the child will not recognize it in class one hour and fifteen minutes a week. In order to develop the faith life of our children effectively, we all must diligently and continuously work to expand our own relationship with God.
Living the Catholic life is not simply done by going to Mass regularly or attending faith formation classes. It is a lifestyle that is to be witnessed every day by what we say and what we do at home, at work, at school and at play.
PSR classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45am in the Academy of St. Bartholomew.
Parents Responsibilities
Mass Attendance: An integral part of our Faith Formation Program is students attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. The sacramental life of the Church, including the sacrament of penance and reconciliation (confession), are essential to spiritual growth. Learning in class can be truly effective only when one meets the Lord sacramentally at the altar.
Attendance Policy
Faith Formation Classes should take top priority over all other programs and activities as these classes are integral to your child's growth in faith.
Absenteeism: Weekly attendance in the program is a must if proper instruction and learning is to take place. If a child is absent, a note which explains the reason for the absence is to be brought to the classroom catechist the following week. This note must carry the date of and the reason for the absence, and the parent's signature. The note is to be written on note paper and enclosed in an envelope. It is expected that all homework and assignments will be made up when a child is absent.
Please note: If a child has been absent for an excessive number of times, the parent will be called to discuss the problem.
Tardiness: Every time a child enters a classroom late, he/she interrupts the lesson which the catechist has planned. We ask that you exert every effort possible to have your child in class on time. The catechist will keep a record of tardiness. If a student is repeatedly tardy, the parent will be called to discuss the problem.
Dismissal Procedure: If your child will be meeting you at Mass, going home it’s siblings or in a carpool during this school year, a note indicating such (including drivers' names) must be sent to the catechist at the first class. This note will be kept on file for the entire year. A note is also required any time your child will be picked up by anyone other than the person who normally holds this responsibility. No student will be dismissed to anyone other than his/her parent unless permission to do so has been given in writing. Parents are asked to sign their child in and out of the classroom each week for grades K-4.
For your child's safety, it is essential that he/she is not dropped off more than ten minutes before and picked up no later than ten minutes after scheduled class time. The parish cannot guarantee supervision beyond these times.
It is ESSENTIAL that EVERY parent complete and return a Medical Emergency Form EACH YEAR this form can be found on the reverse side of the paper registration form or as part of the online form. Please be sure to notify the Faith Formation Office of any change in emergency contact person or phone numbers throughout the year. For more information about our PSR program, and homeschool options please contact Carol Wallington, Parish Catechetical Leader at (440) 842-5400 ext. 60 or
9:30am PSR
9:30am PSR
9:30am PSR
9:30am PSR